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HeartSaver Audit ½ day

HeartSaver Audit ½ day

HeartSaver organizes on-site audits (1/2 day or 1 day) for companies and organizations where we do a mapping of the number of AED Installations.

We do an analysis of the optimal number of AEDs for the site/campus, and determine the ideal locations where AEDs should be placed.

We determine the needs for training "CPR techniques and use of an AED".

We discuss together the possibilities and advantages of AED OUTDOOR - and AED INDOOR installations.


Rates HeartSaver Audits: VAT% is 21%. Rates are excl. km allowance.

Summary Recommendations: €65,00 EUR + 21% VAT

 Rates HeartSaver Audits:

*HeartSaver Audit ½ day: €450,00 EUR + 21% VAT.

*HeartSaver Audit 1 day: €750,00 EUR + 21% VAT.

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